A smart integrated modular simulation ecosystem for more reality

What is REALITi 360?

REALITi 360 is a modular simulation ecosystem incorporating a patient simulator, CPR feedback and video in a single system. Starting with 2 iPads, REALITi is a highly advanced patient monitor simulator which mimics proprietary monitors and defibrillators. By adding more modules, a complete in-situ simulator with live video streaming, CPR feedback and simulated patient records can be created.

Mimics real defibrillators and monitors

Working with many defibrillator and monitor manufacturers, we have created hyper-realistic interfaces which look and work like the real thing.

Defibrillator screens from Zoll, Corpuls, Philips and many more are included

Meticulous attention to detail

Looks, sounds and functions like the real thing

Millions of waveforms, from a single touch

Add ectopics, arrthymias and artifacts to any ECG waveform.

PVC, PAC and PJC can be added to any ECG waveform

Sinus arrthymia linked to respiratory rate

Artifacts and electrical interference

REALITi 360 Monitors

Corpuls AED




GE Carescape



Zoll X-Series

Philips IntelliVue MX800

Propaq MD

Schiller Defigard Touch 7

Schiller Physiogard Touch 7

WAC Vital Signs

Zoll R-Series

Philips Tempus LS

Philips Tempus Pro


Zoll EMV+ Ventilator

Philips HeartStart MRx

Medtronic Capnostream 35

Mindray D6

Zoll X Advanced

Hamilton T1® Ventilator

Mindray BeneHeart C2® AED

Integrated Wireless Video with REALITi Camera

A single simulator system with integrated video from REALITi Camera makes so much sense

Simulated patient records are now real

In collaboration with LifeInTheFastLane.com REALITi has a complete library of resources to create simulated electronic patient records with REALITi Chart.

CPR module for realtime CPR feedback

  • Can be worn on the wrist, placed into a puck or inside a manikin
  • Real-time CPR feedback for rate, depth and recoil
  • Activates CPR features on proprietary screens such a Zoll and Corpuls
  • CPR report for review

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