What is medspace.XR?
General radiography module utilises high physical and functional fidelity to improve the transfer of skills to clinical environments. Learners interact with the virtual environment in the same way as they would in a clinical room. Using medspace.VR environments for practice ensures learners are better equipped to optimise their clinical experience. Learners concentrate on patient interactions and image quality evaluation. medspace.VR products, emphasise realistic process simulation rather than image generation. Images produced are designed to illustrate positioning and setup accuracy whilst the software aims to facilitate clinical skill acquisition.

medspace.XR, our general radiography module, immerses the user in a digital radiography room complete with an upright bucky stand, couch and chair. Users can navigate around the room, change viewpoints and interact with the equipment and patient. The high resolution 3D environment provides a sense of presence and realism unparalleled in medical imaging simulation.
Users start by selecting a protocol and preparing the room as in clinical practice. Click on the relevant controls to “press” buttons or “turn” dials as in the real world. This makes for a highly intuitive control system that prepares users for those found in clinical departments. No cumbersome menu structures. Adjustment of the equipment parameters is assisted for beginners by unique Beams Eye View and virtual tape measure aids.

The medspace.XR patient model is highly realistic and fully adjustable. The patient places themselves in an approximate initial position that is subject to random error, reflecting the variability in real life. Positional adjustments are made by clicking on the body part and selecting the appropriate anatomical movement. Beginners can benefit from an option to visualise the patient skeleton; an ideal way to check anatomical landmark understanding. Adjustments include positioning of radio-opaque markers and fully adjustable cassette holders are made before imaging.
As in real clinical situations, imaging is conducted from behind a screen. Reinforcement of fundamental radiation protection practice helps prepare learners for clinical placement. Learners can adjust a wide range of parameters while maintaining constant supervision of the patient at all times. The software will display both the user’s image and the tutor’s “standard” for comparison. Medspace.XR will animate the positioning change required to both patient and equipment in order to improve technique. Automated feedback is especially valuable to the user when they undertake independent learning using the module.

medspace.VR products are designed with learning in mind, providing a wide range of features to facilitate learning activity design. Tutors can create “standard” setups and images tailored to local practice. Unlimited standard setups can easily be created and saved as a protocol for students.