Unique and Immersive Mechanical Ventilator Simulator

LungSim is a unique and immersive mechanical ventilator simulator that is able to be interfaced with your human patient simulator . This model driven software allows the user to be self trained on the respiratory mechanisms (standalone mode) as well as to create advanced simulation scenarios on different patients with pulmonary diseases or acute respiratory failures when wirelessly linked to a patien t simulator (simulation mode).
LungSim incorporates real time changes in vital signs, ventilatory parameters and more.
Users can be trained on define ventilator data, formulate diagnoses and make changes to best treat pathological patients.
Instructors can simulate several patient conditions as for example chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases or acute respiratory distress syndromes simply changing patient parameters and ventilator values.

Ventilator interface
Allows the user:
- directly change on the GUI parameters of the patient
- see the virtual ventilator monitor several values
- see the waveforms
Instructor interface
The instructor is able to change the value of parameters like:
- Lung Compliance
- Thorax Compliance
- Resistance
- Respiratory Muscle Effort
- Inspiration Time
- Oxygen saturation
- End Tidal CO2
- Arterial Pressure of the high fidelity simulator