Model morphological manifestations in an highly realistic 3D environment

What is Pathology 3D?

Pathology 3D is a unique program that enables students to interactively model pathological changes in various diseases and syndromes on 3D models of human organs. Pathology 3D opens new learning opportunities for students with that functionality, but also improves the understanding of complications and outcomes, as well as micro- and macro-slides. It enables them to improve their skills in recognition of morphological changes and knowledge in pathology.

Unique Features of Pathology 3D


Students can learn from 160 minutes of educational videos with subject ranging from cell damage to neoplasia and inflammation.


Students can study 134 pathologies and their manifestations on the organs, possible complications and outcomes.


Students can visualize pathologies on 19 highly realistic organ 3D models as well as consult the 179 macroslides and 153 microslides.
