The World’s First Virtual Patient Software for Physical Therapists
DxR VirtualPT Clinician
VirtualPT Clinician builds the reasoning skills of physical therapy students by allowing them to interact with virtual patient simulations derived from real world cases. With the help of academic physical therapists, these cases have been crafted to demonstrate key concepts in the evaluation and treatment of PT clients.
VirtualPT Clinician lets students interview and virtually examine a patient, explore possible diagnoses, establish goals, and develop a management plan. Students get feedback and expert advice from the software, and faculty can review student progress and provide additional online feedback.

Three Standard Components of DxR VirtualPT Clinician
The PT Management tools enable you to control who gains access to a PT case or cases and what the users see when they enter a PT case. You can edit patient data, edit evaluation criteria, or decide to proceed without changing the data and/or evaluation criteria that the case author created. The criteria set by the instructor and/or case author form the basis for evaluating student performance. The student will be evaluated on his/her performance in creating a problem list and a hypothesis list, making a diagnosis, establishing a prognosis and goals, and selecting appropriate
interventions for the patient. The instructor will be able to review how well the student was able to link problems and hypotheses to the case or management selections. The PT Management tool also includes a tools for maintaining files for students who are assigned to work through a case.
The VirtualPT Clinician cases consist of data collected by our case authors based on real patient encounters. Rather than conducting an in-person investigation, students will open a Virtual PT case and will begin a simulated case investigation using the tools available in the VirtualPT Clinician case. Students will have access to the same basic investigative techniques that are available to a physical therapist dealing with an actual patient. Using the VirtualPT Clinician case information, students will be able to question the patient, conduct a simulated physical exam, and order diagnostic tests. The student will also be able to see and review the results or responses before making a diagnosis, a prognosis, writing goals, and ordering interventions. At the end of the case, the student will be able to access an initial assessment of his or her performance compared to the instructor’s expected responses.
The PT Record Utility is a web-based tool that allows an instructor to evaluate student and group performance on a PT case. The Record Utility also allows instructors to change certain evaluation criteria set earlier in PT Management or override the computer’s evaluation. The Record Utility is also the only place that instructors can evaluate the student’s management plan. Data from the Record Utility can be printed for student or faculty use.

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Clinical Reasoning Score

This is the software’s assessment based on how the student performed in investigating the patient problem in the simulated case. The Clinical Reasoning score is derived from 2 scores: Lists and Evaluation. The two scores are weighted to arrive at the Clinical Reasoning Score. Students are graded on their performance in Problems, Hypotheses and Investigations
Watch the video to see how DxR VirtualPT Clinician can help your students develop critical thinking skills.
- Cases developed by physical therapy experts
- Detailed scoring, peer comparison, results exporting
- Customization of case content, flow, and scoring
- Question authoring tool
- Ability to create additional student feedback
- Online backup and secure access for student results
- Case authoring available to modify or create cases
- Strengthen skills anytime, anywhere
- Cross-platform and tablet compatibility
- Realistic exams and labs, including video and audio
- Includes tests and maneuvers unique to physical therapy
- Hundreds of available diagnostic studies
- Expert discussion of key clinical points
- Detailed feedback on performance